@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
+<mapper namespace="com.cool.bang.modules.oracle.mapper.AregMapper">
+ <resultMap id="AregMap" type="com.cool.bang.modules.oracle.domain.Areg">
+ <id property="aregid" column="aregid"/>
+ <result property="qybh" column="qybh" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
+ <result property="xmbh" column="xmbh" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
+ <result property="jgState" column="jgstate" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
+ <result property="jgje" column="jgje" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="lcje" column="lcje" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="tgzh" column="tgzh" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
+ <result property="xmrq" column="xmrq" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP"/>
+ <collection property="aregItemList" ofType="com.cool.bang.modules.oracle.domain.AregItem" >
+ <result property="aregitemid" column="aregitemid" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
+ <result property="lzbh" column="lzbh" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
+ <result property="bhpercent" column="bhpercent" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
+ <result property="jdpercent" column="jdpercent" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
+ <result property="propercent" column="propercent" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
+ <result property="progressname" column="progressname" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
+ <result property="jgye" column="jgye" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="tgye" column="tgye" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="jgzt" column="jgzt" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="jazj" column="jazj" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
+ <result property="lcbl" column="lcbl" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="lcje" column="lcje" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="jgzj" column="jgzj" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="jgState" column="lz_jgstate" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
+ <result property="jzmj" column="jzmj" jdbcType="DECIMAL"/>
+ <result property="lzrq" column="lzrq" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP"/>
+ </collection>
+ </resultMap>
+ <select id="selectFromAreg" resultMap="AregMap">
+ t1.aregid,
+ t1.qybh,
+ t1.xmbh,
+ t1.jgstate,
+ t1.zdmoney AS jgje,
+ t2.lcje,
+ t3.accountno AS tgzh,
+ t2.aregitemid,
+ t2.lzmc,
+ t2.lzbh,
+ t2.jiananzaojia AS jazj,
+ t2.bhpercent,
+ t2.jdpercent,
+ t2.propercent,
+ t2.progressname,
+ t2.jzmj,
+ t2.checkbalance AS tgye,
+ t2.checkjgbalance AS jgye,
+ t2.lcbl,
+ t2.lcje,
+ t2.zdmoney AS jgzj,
+ t2.jgstate AS lz_jgstate,
+ to_date(to_char(t4.SPJSSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') as xmrq,
+ to_date(to_char(t5.SPJSSJ,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') as lzrq
+ AREG t1
+ LEFT JOIN AREGITEM t2 ON t1.aregid = t2.aregid
+ LEFT JOIN account t3 ON t1.tgzhid = t3.accountid
+ LEFT JOIN APPLY t4 on t1.aregid = t4.aregid AND t4.APPTYPE = 0 and t4.state = 1
+ LEFT JOIN APPLY t5 on t2.appid = t5.appid AND t4.APPTYPE in (0, 2) and t4.state = 1
+ t1.state = 1 and t1.jgzt != 0
+ </select>
+ <!-- 查询楼幢虚拟户托管在途资金 -->
+ <select id="selectLzTgzt" resultType="java.math.BigDecimal">
+ select sum(pl.money) from aregitem i,payitemlz pl, payitem p,apply a
+ where a.appid =p.appid and p.payitemid =pl.payitemid and pl.aregitemid =i.aregitemid
+ and a.state ='1' and p.state ='1' and pl.state ='1' and a.apptype in ('18','19') and p.paycode not in (select t.tradenum from trade t where t.tradestate ='1' and t.tradenum is not null)
+ and i.aregitemid = #{aregitemid}
+ </select>
+ <!-- 查询楼幢虚拟户监管在途资金 -->
+ <select id="selectLzJgzt" resultType="java.math.BigDecimal">
+ select sum(pl.money) from aregitem i,payitemlz pl, payitem p,apply a
+ where a.appid =p.appid and p.payitemid =pl.payitemid and pl.aregitemid =i.aregitemid
+ and a.state ='1' and p.state ='1' and pl.state ='1' and a.apptype in ('6','7') and p.paycode not in (select t.tradenum from trade t where t.tradestate ='1' and t.tradenum is not null)
+ and i.aregitemid = #{aregitemid}
+ </select>